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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
McMusic What is the worst song you ever heard? (249* d) RE: What is the worst song you ever heard? 09 Oct 99

More contemporary country songs, anyone? About 15 yrs. ago a song which had in its chorus :"Just a-swangin'..." "A Headache Tomorrow, Or A Heartache Tonight". And kudos to all who mention "Loving You"! God pity us, what a hideous song!!!! And "Tie Me Kangeroo Down, Sport"? No offense to our friends Down Under, but does anyone remember Pat Boone's version of that song? Or--God help us--his cover of "Tutti-Fruitti"? Not a great song in the first place, but to hear it sung in "bleach" is awful! Come to think of it, maybe we can add the Pat Boone discography in its entirety to the list!!

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