I note from the DCMS website that the Guidance Document has now been formally published, and so has started the period for Local Authorities to draft, consulty on and publish their licencing policies. At the same time Tessa Jowell has laid a draft order in Parliament which fixes Feb 7th next year as the first appointed day. So Local Authorities will start to process applications for licences on that day. The press release also indicates that the existing licences will be replaced by new licences in (approximately) November next year. There is also an indication that the draft regulations, defining fees and the design of applicaton forms etc. will be pulished for public consultation during htis August. There are now only two or three months to influence Local Authorities in their initial drafting of licencing policies since they have to publish them as drafts, collect local comments and revise them before they can approve a single application. Don't delay. Contact your local authority to seek the opportunity to have an input into their drafting considerations now!! RichardP