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GUEST,Songster Bob Beginning Banjo -- please help! (39) RE: Beginning Banjo -- please help! 15 Jul 04

Well, I have a banjo book I'll send anyone who wants it enough to send me $10. I published it in 1976, and have taught many, many folks using it (both as a teacher, when I did that sort of thing, and simply through the book). My address is

Bob Clayton
8401 Cedar St.
Silver Spring, MD 20910

If you bought the Perlman book, you probably won't need mine, but if you use the Seeger book, you'll find that he often doesn't use melodies (teaching accompaniment as much as tunes) and many times doesn't finish the song (if you can get through 3/4 of it, you can finish it by ear -- an interesting approach, but to me it makes the beginner do too much. It's like an exam, but doesn't provide the answer. (This is based on trying the book when I started, in 1968, so perhaps he's changed it, or my memory is bad).

But good luck with it. The banjo rewards the effort it takes to learn it right.


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