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Tracey Dragonsfriend PLEASE defend the SAW (59* d) RE: PLEASE defend the SAW 17 Jul 04

Lovely sound - just wonderful.
The only thing I've ever heard with a comparable tone is a glass harmonica, and that only on the TV in an old programme so long ago I forget the name. But I saw it again just yesterday, in a UK programme called "Local Heroes", and it reminded me. It was invented by Benjamin Franklin, made of a series of rotating glass bowls, working on the same principle as playing a wineglass with your fingers, and it has a similar unearthly tone to a bowed saw. Sounds a bit like a Theremin crossed with a bagpipe's dronepipe! They have a kind of "old" sound, although I can't explain what I mean by that...

Amazing - I just did a Google search, and they're still being made!
By href="">G. Finkenbeiner Inc, in the USA - They even have some sound samples. Marvellous!

Tracey Dragonsfriend

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