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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Tracey Dragonsfriend BS: Comfort food (227* d) RE: BS: Comfort food 17 Jul 04

Mmmm... comfort food... and it's cold & teeming with rain (in JULY!!), and now I want to EAT...

Mum's potato & carrot soup, with toast
Nanny's beef stew and dumplings, with mashed potatoes and mashed swede
Spaghetti (Heinz, in a tin) on thick, buttered toast
Mum's steak & kidney pudding
Rice Creamola (a flavoured ground rice you boil up with milk, that you can't get any more)
Mum's plaice & prawn roll-ups with mashed potatoes, when you're ill
Chocolate pudding (hot cake) with chocolate custard

You may have guessed that I LOVE my Mum's cooking! Still, she is a cookery teacher, so I have a good excuse. I can make all these things (except the Rice Creamola I can't get) myself, but they're just not the same...

Tracey Dragonsfriend

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