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Uncle Jaque Lyr ADD: Poison Beer (24) RE: Lyr Req: Poison beer 27 Jul 04

"Roll & Go" does a rollicking rendition of a "Home Brew" ballad to the tune of "Barretts' Privateers", which is a real hoot to be sure - but perhaps just a wee bit short of "poison".

Perhaps you could catch Charlie Noble in a good mood and he might share the lyrics, if they ain't already on the DB.

I used to make some of the "good stuff" back in NH that wasn't "poisonous" particularly, but it sure had a way of compromising one's equalibrium and sensorium!

Come to think of it, my last batch of "Dead Dog Cider" wasn't all that bad, either. Most if not all of the Chanty Singers who sampled it during one of our past China Seas Hoots seem to still be among us.

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