Since this thread has largely deteriorated into a harangue over the justification for Guest voting green, it might be useful to know whether she lives in a genuine swing state or in a safe state where the result is already decided beyond all reasonable doubt. If the latter, she should be allowed to go ahead and vote with her perception of her conscience since her vote is politically irrelevant. If she is in a swing state, she needs to consider the consequences of a Bush victory in that state by a margin that is less than the Green vote in that state especially if that state is the Florida of 2004. In that case she and her like would have put Bush back. She would have ensured an ultra-conservative supreme court for the foreseeable future. She would have undermined everything that she holds politically deirable and worse than all these she would then live through the next four years in total denial of her responsibility. Empty gestures are worth the content of any empty pot - nothing. Richard