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Uncle Jaque Question: Ashokan Farewell (95* d) RE: Question: Ashokan Farewell 04 Aug 04

As a Civil War Reenactor and Field Musician, I had to check this out.

We still get requests for it at Reenactments and encampments.

I don't know, nor do I care as to Mr. UNGAR's religious tradition or heritage, and "ashoken" is about the only work of his that I'm familiar with.

But in regards to some of the recent discussion and somewhat aside, some years ago I was inspired to write a song titled "Night in Jerusalem" that sounds every bit like a Jewish person should have written it...

But I'm a Yankee Baptist. Go figure, eh?

"In my dreams the golden spires of your Temple meet the sun;
In your streets; the children dancing;
Hear them sing, and laugh, and run;
Your sweet flowers soothe my spirit
Though it's not time to come home -
Let me spend the night, Dear Lord...
In Jerusalem!"


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