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Sky-Coyote Jigs Reels and Hornpipes for Tin Whistle (11) Jigs Reels and Hornpipes for Tin Whistle 20 Aug 04

Hello I am new to the mud and I hope meet some good people here. I am trying to find a book or folio of Canadian or Francophone Jigs, reels and hornpipes that can be used by a tin whistle player who has just started out. Does anyone know of any Cajun whistle players? In July I purchased an excellent whistle in the key of D made by a fellow named David O'Brien from Chilliwack, British Columbia at a folk festival in Mission, B.C.. If anyone has something they are willing to part with I would gladly work something out with them (ie a small amount of $ or perhaps a musical trade). I am also interested in making tin whistles as well and always appreciate any advice. I am currently working on a small book and CD of "Hot Club" jazz chromatic harmonica (completion sometime mid 2005) and would glady offer a copy in exchange for a suitable book of jigs, reels and hornpipes.

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