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Uncle Jaque Musicians For Kerry! (5) RE: Musicians For Kerry! 27 Aug 04

Gee Kat; I finally got around to listening to their audio clips too, and ya know what? They ain't half bad, are they?

They sure sound a lot better than the average group of drum, rubbishbucket and hubcap banging bravos who usually seem to show up at this sort of party.

One thing they seem to bring to a cause that IMHO could surely use it, is a sense of humor! Sort of like Rev. "Al" Sharpton.
As much as I have to admit a certain divergence of ideological opinion with the "Revvrund Al" (as you may recall from some of our spirited discussions way back when) I can't help but like the guy; He's a hoot!

Even though they might use a fifer (that's pretty loud), somehow I don't think I'd really fit in.   };^{)~

Isn't it interesting that they have a policy of never singing any songs in English? Why am I not surprised?

Don't know about you, but I hope everybody down in NYC manages to keep their passion of whatever stripe under reasonable control and can maintain a modicum of civility and a sense of humor throughout.

If this ragtag, motley whiz-bang "Band" can facilitate free and peaceful expression and mutually open, decent dialouge in these difficult and trying times, then "HOO-Rah" for 'em!

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