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GUEST,*daylia* BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker? (241* d) RE: BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker? 28 Aug 04

LH, for as long as I've known you, smoking has been one of your favorite things to bash. Pretty easy target, for anybody who's never smoked.

For smokers, those lyrics are discourteous, offensive, ignorant and inflammatory.   But for non-smokers looking for someone or something to ridicule and hate? I'm sure they're just peachy!

In recent years I've noticed you've become more and more insulting and obnoxious toward smokers, including me. I'm guessing that the couple decades now of corrupt politics, media slandering and deliberate public misinformation about tobacco have finally had their desired effect, even on agreeable and open-minded people like yourself. :-(

Afer all, EVERYONE has permission to publicly insult, hate, preach at and demonize smokers today. WHy not you too?

We who suggest that smoking is bad for people are not your mother!

I suggest people educate themselves thoroughly, looking carefully at ALL scientific and first-hand evidence on both sides of the issue, before giving anyone "suggestions" about their private affairs.

I also highly recommend refraining from giving ANY unsolicited "advice"

(grin) Here's an idea, a chain of health spas for weight loss. The program: Smoke more cigarettes daily in order to lose weight! See if you can get people up to 5 packs a day if that's what it takes. Anything is worth taking off those extra pounds, right? ... You could become the "weight loss queen" of Canada and maybe get the Order of Canada for it and get to meet Adrienne Clarkson.

Uh oh. Are you really losing it, LH?

Or maybe I've just lost my sense of tee-hee.

OK, pull yourself together now daylia ... this calls for another ....


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