You smoke because you saw others doing it when you were young. I smoke for a lot of reasons, LH - then and now. Nicotine is a physical and mental stimulant as well as an anti-depressant. No, the 'evidence' posted above is not bogus - here is a Guardian article documenting the href=",2763,1263918,00.html">benefits of nicotine. This sheds more light on why people smoke, instead of just blaming peer pressure, labelling them "stupid sheep" etc. And here's another about the theurapeutic effects of nicotine on such conditions as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, colitis etc. Type "Yale studies on nicotine" into your search bar, and you'll find the "straight dopamine" right down to the receptors and neurotransmitters (brain chemistry), straight from the horse's mouth. These studies DO NOT advocate smoking as a means of stimulating the growth of nicotine receptors though. The risks associated with inhaling smoke of any kind may outweigh any benefits - depending on the genetics, diet and lifestyle of the smoker. LH, you say you wrote the song for laughs, and I'm sure you did. Have you ever noticed who laughs and who doesn't when you sing it, I wonder? Singing it may amuse you, but for people like me those lyrics feel like a kick in the face. Just so you know. daylia