There is no doubt or anything remotely similar to critical thought in the mind of the real believer Well, I do think critically, Wolfgang, and "belief" (ie putting blind faith in something) has got nothing to do with it. WHen I eat my lunch, for example, I do not need to "believe" it will relieve my hunger, or scientifically acceptable schematic data-sheets "proving" that it nourishes my body. I just know I'm not hungry anymore after I eat, and that my body stays healthy. Eating my lunch "works", whether or not I "believe" in it or understand it scientifically. It's the same with HUNA. It works - and I'm not going to argue about why or how, because in the end it really doesn't matter. IT's the results that matter! I felt HUNA instantly heal a slipped disc in my back I'd been suffering with for years as TWo Bears passed me mana loa (spiritual life-force energy), all the way from Tennesseee to Ontario. Do you think I care one iota HOW it worked to move that disc and realign those vertebrae? Notta chance! That long-standing debilitating pain is gone, I can move easily and freely again and I am so VERY grateful! And I know that no doctor, chiropractor, surgeon or scientist could possibly duplicate that instant healing! I watched HUNA and acupuncture heal my concrete-working buddy's sciactic nerve in a matter of hours, after he'd been doped up on morphine etc and almost completey immoblized for months. I felt - and watched - HUNA alone heal young Robert's shoulder that day. These are only 3 examples of the many MANY HUNA healings and other workings I've had the pleasure of participating in and witnessing this year. Whatever science finds on the field of health will be in a language you may not appreciate. And the evidence will be based on, basically, counting procedures and not on subjective experience. That's why I'm so excited to have an up-and-coming young medical scientist among my successful HUNA students. He does not have a lifetime of "anti-metaphysical" scientific conditioning blocking his ability or desire to understand how HUNA works! He KNOWS it does, he has the shoulder, the girlfriend and the apartment to prove it. I'm sure he'll keep me abreast of the latest scientific developments over the years. No, HUNA healings do not require either "belief" or scientific / intellectual understanding. All that's required is the emotional readiness, at a deep subconscious level - to let go of whatever ails you and accept healing. For example, Robert had never met me, never even heard of HUNA before that day he walked into the store where I was working in severe pain, looking for herbal remedies to help his shoulder. The 3 doctor's prescriptions he'd been on for weeks were having very little effect. I was moved with compassion when I saw the pain on his face, even though he was a complete stranger - I do know first-hand what athletic injuries to a joint feel like! So I spontaneously offered him HUNA to try to help ease the pain. He was so desperate he was willing to try just about anything at that point. It worked!!! It felt like a flow fire coming through my hands that day, I'd never felt it quite so strong before. IT felt wonderful, to both of us! I watched him move that shoulder in several complete wide circles after a minute or so, where it had been almost completely immobilized moments before. I was pretty amazed myself! But I told him NOT to go back to lifting weights for a while, and to use the liniments he'd just bought. I gave him the information about the up-coming HUNA workshop in case he wanted to learn more about the technique he'd just experienced. Well, he walked out of that store with his eyes glued to that HUNA flyer like it was the Penthouse Pet of the Month or something. And he DID go back to weightlifting that very night - and he told me a couple weeks ago his shoulder has never bothered him again - in fact it's never been better. Now, it doesn't always happen that way, of course. A week later I was at a drumming circle with a very overweight, stressed out, crying, drugged up (on Percodans) woman who was complaining constantly about her arthritic knee. I offered her HUNA, she accepted. I asked her which knee was hurting, and she said "Oh, it's both knees ... and my back ... and my hip .... and I have diabetes ... and high blood pressure ... and fibromyalgia ... and a heart condition ...." ANd with every complaint she listed, her eyes grew brighter and her face lit up. She was just beaming with pleasure when she finished her long list of ailments! Now I knew right then the HUNA would be ineffective, because she was in no way ready for healing. It was so obvious she LIKED being sick! Her illnesses paid off for her -- kept her eligible for disability cheques, gave her lots of pitying attention etc. But I'd promised, so I laid my hands on her knees anyway and started the deep breathing for a HUNA healing, using exactly the same technique I had with Robert. There was barely a twitch of response, and very little effect except that she could move the knee a little tiny bit farther when I stopped. The only difference between her and Robert was that Robert didn't want the pain! That pain was not "serving" him at all in his own mind, while her pain certainly "served" her. He wanted the healing, while deep down inside she didn't. Simple. WHen science is finally able to explain these things, perhaps THAT will be the real miracle! daylia