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GUEST,*daylia* BS: Matter and Spirit (520* d) RE: BS: Matter and Spirit 31 Aug 04

Just talking about HUNA has got me all fired up with enthusiasm again here, and a thought just occured to me ... when science IS able to explain how HUNA and similiar techniques work, will the "price" of that scientific investigation be losing something intrinsically human, intangible and irreplacable? Look what Mark Twain says about rainbows ...

We have not the reverent feeling for the rainbow that the savage has, because we know how it is made. We have lost as much as we gained by prying into that matter.
- A Tramp Abroad

But then again ....

One can enjoy a rainbow without necessarily forgetting the forces that made it.
- "Queen Victoria's Jubilee"

Thanks for listening to my musings,


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