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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Nicole Why can't I sing in tune? (122* d) RE: Why can't I sing in tune? 07 Oct 04

I always love to sing but never had coaching... I'm thirty and I act some I just did a short movie where I was lead actress.. I finally went talk to a singing teacher in my town and I sang a little Dena Carter, Strawberry Wine.. I was a little nervious but not bad for my first time in front of a proffesional, and being tested ya know.. She said I was alto.. I wasn't sure what that meant..She had a smile on so I guess it wasn't to bad.. I start this Friday with my first lessons and I can't wait!! She had me go home and practice with the Dixie Chicks, If You Were Mine.. I have to say I always thought I sound like the lead singer in that song, so I was pretty happy when she suggested it.. I will try to keep yall posted with my progress..

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