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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,amergin BS: National Poetry Day 07/10 (21) RE: BS: National Poetry Day 07/10 07 Oct 04

Originally posted in my New folkie Thread:

To My Daughter

In the dawning of the world
I dialed the phone
To see if your life dawned as well
Oh how I yearned to watch you
And welcome you into this world
And hold you rocking in my arms
And sing to you.
I still desire to hold you
And softly whispper songs into your ear.
Although I was not there
I know you felt my love
I know you saw me there
Standing beside your lovely mother
As you came into the world as a Caesar
A shining empress, bathed in Heaven's light
The time will come, my beautiful daughter,
When we shall meet in person, not in spirit
And I will hold you to my breast
And teach you my magic: love, poetry, and song.


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