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GUEST,Gene Burton Apology - BFG to Gene Burton (4) RE: Apology - BFG to Gene Burton 08 Oct 04

Hi, George-

Sorry for not responding to this earlier but my internet access is patchy at best at the mo- I'm restricted to a couple of hours a week at the local library; one of the privations of being a struggling artist :) Anyway, apology unreservedly accepted- I probably should've realised you weren't being serious when I found out it was you; but if the truth be told I've managed to make a few enemies in the last few months what with one thing and another and it isn't necessarily always obvious to me who they are. Seriously, it's big of you to come forward like that and I appreciate your candour.
Just occurred to me...why not cynically use this thread as an opportunity to plug my brand new CD? If anybody wants to sample my truly execrable vocal talents for themselves, email me at with your name and address and I can send a copy to you (price negligable/negotiable).

All the best,

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