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Wkailey Lovingkindness Song Circle (69* d) Lyr Add: THE MOON (Robert Louis Stevenson) 23 Sep 97

DT wasn't working just now, so I couldn't check and see if the last verse of Waltzing with bears is there. Catfeet omitted the last one that Priscilla Herdman sings. It goes

But last night when the moon rose we crept down the stairs.
He took me to dance where the bears have their lairs.
We danced in a bear hug with nary a care.
It all feels like flying,
There is no denying,
And now my pajamas are covered with hair.

Also couldn't check the DT for this one, which PH calls simply "The Moon" [by Robert Louis Stevenson]:

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall
She shines on thieves on the garden wall
And streets and fields and harbor quays
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees

Chorus: But all of the things that belong to the day
Cuddle to sleep to be out of the way.
Flowers and children close their eyes,
'Til up in the morning the sun shall rise.

The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog by the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bed at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.


Return to first verse.

Anyone know anymore verses to this pretty little song?

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