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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Rich Mooney BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido (121* d) RE: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido 16 Oct 04

I have studied from many a guru, and learned many a thing
but at the end of it all, I would hear the cash register ring

I have studied this method and that method, and am really in tune
but after this long I have paid enough to send me to the moon

Knowledge is power, and this is the key
but to gain that power your must always pay money

I have studied quite a bit, and am now far along
that I now attract quite a large throng

My rates are fair, and some say cheap, and that makes me smile
because knowledge should be for everyone, not just for the rich with guile

The methods I teach are steeped in history to be sure
and I am glad to be a teacher's teacher, and not a moneyed whore

For there are those out there who sneak and connive
and make up crap and spew out a whole lotta jive

whenever some good comes along you can be sure
some thief will come along creating a "scam du jour"

So I will leave you know with these words of wit
make sure your teachers the real thing before you at his table sit.

I thank you now for your precious time of day
I am glad to have been of service to all who have come my way.

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