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The Mudcat Cafesj

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GUEST,celtaddict at work Lyr Add: Java Jive (and other coffee & tea songs) (98* d) RE: Lyr Add: Java Jive (and other coffee songs) 21 Oct 04

The Flying Fish Sailors, in Texas, have amongst their assorted (and pretty wild) "modern-day shanties" a coffee shanty: "Cuppa Joe, gimme Cuppa Joe" is all I recall offhand but I can look it up at home to add to the coffee song store. (Greg Henkel and the Flying Fish Sailors have brought us such other gems as the moving shanty ("Haul, U-Haul, Haul"), a bouncy upbeat song about the influenza pandemic of 1918, and songs about such fearsome issues as the Loch Ness monster, the Roswell incident, and lima beans.)

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