I dont know any of the people involved in this thread personally - possibly have met JOhn from Hull who started the thread at Beverley or the like so when it started to 'turn' into a slanging match I thought maybe it was mates having a go for fun. I have done this on many another thread - Joe obviously from what you have said this is not the case. It saddens me that people whose religions share the same prophets( Jew , Chistian and Moslem) cannot find good things to talk about or to put their points over without personal base abuse. No wonder people say never talk about religion or politics and no wonder the centuries have seen these three major religions being the cause of many a violent outburst - whether that being a holy war or a terroist act. Jews have persecuted christians and moslems, Christians have persecuted Moslems and Jews and Moslems jews and Christians. And a lot of other religions have joined in this religious intolerance over the centuries. In my book that makes them all as bad as one another but Martin you are right in the fact that at this moment in time, because of the coverage in the news a lot of people do regard all Moslems as terrorists I am just glad that I know people from all these religions and others and know that you cant tar everyone with the same brush! by the way - the bad apple scale was very interesting. its a bit like lies damned lies and statistics - the more you have the bigger number 'a few' means but they are still just 'a few. Its the half full half empty syndrome - if 5% are bad then 95% are good!