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Bob Hitchcock Cyril Tawney - Illness (82* d) RE: Cyril Tawney 27 Oct 04

Oh Rita, how those memories come flooding back. I guess it must be 20 odd years ago now that we all saw Cyril in concert, and a memorable experience it was.

The day before that show, I had the honor of taking Cyril out to dinner. We went to a Steak place and had a few beers first and talked for a few hours. It was there that I discovered that Cyrils' father had taught my father morse code in the Navy during World War 2. My father had always been a big fan of Cyril, but had never made the connection before then. His favorite song was Oggie Man and he would sing it around the house when not singing Wagnerian opera.

I do hope Cyril's treatment goes well, and my thoughts are with him.

Bob Hitchcock (Boarding Party)

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