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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Michael K. Best 'Come-on' lines to Musicians (34) Best ''Come-on'' lines to Musicians 02 Nov 99

I was reading all the gigs from hell and the ensuring horror stories, and thought this thread might be an interested juxtaposition.

I was playing a gig in Timmin's, Ontario many years ago in a rock covers band. At the time I was performing as a keyboard player, using an impressive bank of synths for the time period (ie: Mini-Moog for bass, Arp Omni, an Oberheim OBX-8, Prophet 10, and an 88 note Fender Rhodes -bring back any memories??) and playing left hand bass for the band. I was not only keeping the bass going, but moving around constantly between the other keyboards as well as contributing vocal harmonies, and I guess a young, attractive albeit drunken female in the audience was impressed with my independence, and as soon as the set was over and I came off stage, there she was standing in front of me smiling. Her comment was ''Wow! You must be half idiot, half genius!!!!!'' Without missing a beat, I smiled and said '' Tell you what? While I'm doing all that, you can shove a broom up my ass and I'll sweep the floor too!'' Anyone else have any memorable lines males or females have used on them?

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