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GUEST,lady_x Lyr ADD: I Am the Eagle (Rhett Davis) (69* d) RE: Lyr Req: there once was a silver grey fox 29 Oct 04

Hello ..... smiles..... this is wonderful knowing that someone is familiar with the song ~ and that someone shares the same passion for the song as I. Is it possible that you still have your mother's copy of the cassette around that may be able to be copied. To my knowledge after a search in the Canadian media the name of the artist is Rhett Davis~ he only sang a few songs ..and this one is the only one that seemed to hit air time. I recall hearing the song being played in the mid 70's and would dearly love to have a copy of the music itself. The lyrics are great to have and to read... I hear the music in every ounce of me when I read the words~ it is a challenge to translate that thru to others that do not share the same passion for the glorious song. Please write Daylin...... thank you...

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