dance suggestions: for something nice & simple how about 'Snowball' (longways set for 5 couples, starts off with the top couple doing r & l hand turn, next couple join in to make r & l hand star, next couple join in for circle l & r, next couple join in for lines forward & back x2, bottom couple gallop to top & cast round to bottom on their own, top couple gallop to bottom, all swing) dances with clapping sequences, kids usually like these something like three around three with one line leading round the other or weaving in and out of the other for a bit of a challenge if they cope with the easy stuff, how about 'Wring out the dishrag' (sicillian circle with a figure in it where you hold hands in a circle of 4 and turn the circle inside out & back to where you started without letting go, a bit like a rapper figure. If you don't know the dance yourself though best to get somebody who does to demonstrate it for you before trying to teach it... but in my experience kids pick it up a lot quicker than adults and *love* it...) music suggestions - if you can't get hold of a live musician then I'd suggest cds from the lively end of the english ceilidh circuit, to educate the kids that folk music & country dancing need not be twee or old fashioned... ok so I'm advertising here but how about our new Hekety album 'Furze Cat' (visit or pm me for details of how to get one)... ... or (ok ok I've stopped advertising now!) something from Whapweasel... Jess