It is now official George W Bush is a genius and everone here is an aging hippie communist. CNN and their think tank guests are now calling the Bush campaign genius. The genius of using religious faith, be it devout or fanatical as a political tool was not invented by George W Bush or Karl Rove. Neither is vote tampering a genius invention. I invite historians to chime in with examples of regiemes that have successfully accomplished a state religious fundamentalist following or other vote tampering victories. If genius is as genius does, I would like to learn what the administration has done that is truly genius. The largest fattest federal government ever? More control over the states? Is it me or are these the old pinko plans we were taught to fear from communism? The religious right political movement is now claiming an 81% victory using numbers in ther own lego style of statisical innovation. 81% victory may still be conservative compared to other measuring sticks. If we use the number of CNN employed talking heads, including liberals like Begalah, we arrive at a 100% agreement that the election was won fair and square. I have to concur that corporate america has pandered to fundamentalists by portraying the election was basicly between Saddam Hussein/Kerry lovers and Jesus/Bush. It is all rather biblical you know...The more Muslim fundamentalist sponsored terror the heartland is taught to fear, the more Christian fundamentalists will support a crusade.. any crusade led by the disciple of Jesus. Who among us did not see it coming? "Choose your enemies well for thou shall become like them" JC