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Jess A BS: Caving: The hippiest sport/pastime? (23) RE: BS: Caving: The hippiest sport/pastime? 09 Nov 04

I went and sang in a cave the other night actually - some East Midlands local BBC programme was filming a half hour programme about the Seven Wonders of the East Midlands (!! I do not jest!!) and were filming in the Blue John Cavern in Derbyshire in Lord Mulgrave's Dining room (where apparently early victorians used to have dinner parties) and they wanted some music. After a lot of hard work organising on the part of Yorkshire Yankee, Crucible sang there and we're apparently going to be on the telly towards the end of this month. It was good fun although I guess it's not as hard-core caving as most people here are talking about cos it is all concrete steps & hand rails. Amazing acoustics though! We can't get the programme in Sheffield so if anybody in the East Midlands sees it, maybe you could let me know!!

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