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GUEST,Barrie Roberts BS: Self-Defense In The UK (81* d) RE: BS: Self-Defense In The UK 15 Nov 04

Tony Martin rather weakened his claim of self-defence by shooting his victim in the back as he was leaving.

That said, English law says that if you feel threatened you are being assaulted and can defend yourself. That right is to use 'necessary force' to prevent the assault, i.e. if a bloke threatens to punch you on the nose it is not reasonable to respond by machine-gunning him. As regards the '1953 change', that was a prohibition on carrying articles 'made or adapted' to cause harm without 'lawful authority or reasonable excuse'.

In the light of high-profile cases like Martin's, politicians keep promising to change the self-defence law. They haven't beacuse the existing law works reasonably well.

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