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GUEST,celtaddict at work BS: Diners in Connecticut (23) RE: BS: Diners in Connecticut 17 Nov 04

If you like diners, do try hard to get to O'Rourke's. On pretty weekend mornings you may stand outside waiting, and they close at one on weekends. During the week, we have never had to wait for a table at breakfast; they are open for lunch during the week too, though more crowded. They have an astonishing menu. Weekdays, one can also just let Brian feed you, with whatever he takes a notion to give you. Recent Brian's Breakfasts have included a roast duck gumbo base with a red tortilla, broccoli rabe, and poached eggs with langostinos and asparagus, with on the side a molasses scone with fresh berry topping, and another day mild curried vegetables with a rabe with tomato pesto, with egg pockets (mini-omelets with feta cheese); the side scone was pumpkin/ginger with a pear puree. He does all the classic diner things but much more. The Dubliner breakfast includes Irish cheddar omelet, smoked rashers, colcannon, soda bread, a whiskey based sauce. Brian is also likely to come round and hand you a new kind of scone straight from the oven, or bring something to sample, or sometimes sit down in the booth to chat. They bake their own; the fancy breads and cakes often find their way into french toast. The plain white toasting bread is something special in itself.
They also have a regular counter with stools, and the metal casing and glass bricks of the classic diner. If you sit on the right side (as you go in) you can watch them cook.

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