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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RichardP A little more news on Licensing (158* d) RE: A little more news on Licensing 25 Nov 04

It was interesting reading Shambles recent postings about the process in WPBC. It would appear that they may continue to be their maverick selves for a while. They are correct in saying that the Policy is properly a Council policy. However in any normal local authority committee members would be well aware that their tenure of committee membership would be very short-lived if the committee did not act in accordance with the published council policy.

How long will it take them to realise that they cannot refuse a licence application unless there is an objection, and while the council can raise an objection, it must come from a council body other than the licensing committee?

As far as the MU comment is concerned; I have not seen many draft policies but all that I have seen say that they support music. Maybe the MU has sent out a lot of essentially similar letters. Furthermore, it remains to be seen whether local authorities will turn supportive words into practical support.


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