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John C. Obit - Folk music and its relevance (126* d) RE: Obit - Folk music and its relevance 28 Nov 04

I can't help wondering what the message from 'Nemesis' above is supposed to prove. I presume that we are meant to conclude that teenagers have eclectic tastes in music (God help us!). Well, Nemesis, as an adult in my 50s, I don't give a toss about the musical tastes of teenagers - teenagers should be in their rooms doing their homework! Sometimes I think that we live in some crazy dystopia in which everything revolves around the likes, dislikes and whims of adolescents.
If you listen to the musics of other countries (Spain, Greece, Cuba, Turkey etc., etc.) you realise that those countries, and their musicians, produce music for adults, not kids. Music produced by and for adults gives something for younger people to aspire to. Music used to be like that here once - until we caught the rock plague and everything turned to mush.

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