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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req: The Foggy Dew (from Sinead O'Connor) (13) Chords Add: THE FOGGY DEW (Fr. O'Neill) 15 Jan 97


Sinead performs the well known version close to the original written by Father P. O'Neill in tribute to the man who fought and died in the Easter Rising of 1916 in Dublin. I've included chords.


Am G C Am

As down the glen one Easter morn, to a city fair rode I

Am G C Am

There armed lines of marching men in squadrons passed me by

C G C Am

No pipes did hum no battle drum, did sound its loud tatoo

Am G C Am

But the Angelus Bell o'er the Liffey swell, rang out in the foggy dew.


I have to say, I've never heard performed that better.

I'll write the rest of it soon.


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