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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
MTM Serious BS: HFA/NMPA Round 2 (135* d) RE: Serious BS: HFA/NMPA Round 2 11 Nov 99

I'm truly amazed by the dialog that has been generated in this thread, especially recently through the welcome opinions of "A Publisher." This kind of communication needs to happen to bring copyright law into the next millenium. But while much of what has been expressed in this thread has been impassioned opinion, if someone is going to purport to offer an education on copyright law, perhaps "A Lawyer" would be more qualified to do so than "A Publisher." I mean no disrespect. Understanding our legal system as a collection of static laws and not an evolving entity focussed on the process. It may indeed be the case that non p.d. material will have to leave the DT, and I enlist my services to the proprietor's of this site to help do so. But copyright law is by no means a simple and clear matter.

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