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The Mudcat Cafesj

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14fret Great Coffee Houses (173* d) RE: Great Coffee Houses 18 Dec 04

Hi everyone,
Hope you don't mind an englishman contributing?
I only managed to play in places on the eastern seaboard.
Venues such as Dallas Kline's places in Connecticutt and New Caanan (I know, also Conn.), Caffe Lena
(3 times), The Chelsea House, Vermont, The Cherry Trees, Philly and on to the Gene Shay show, courtesy of my friend Saul Broudy, Bob ?'s music shop in Norfolk, VA, another near Lake Peekskill plus some bars etc; and festivals. Also a freebie in the Citicorp building in NYC! Through the courtesy of Paula Ballon. It was nearly 100% great. Generous hospitality, warm welcomes and great audiences.
I'd love to do it again? Who do I have to bribe?

I know things change but I hope that 'scene' hasn't, much. (?)
I'll never forget the people and places.

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