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GUEST,maryrrf Touring in UK (60* d) RE: Touring in UK 02 Jan 05

Trust me, it's expensive! You should be able to pull up some rail/bus fares on the internet to give you an idea. And keep in mind if you're going to be spontaneous - when traveling by train it's usually cheaper to buy an advance ticket and much more expensive to just hop over to the station and purchase it. But if you're up for it I know people who hitchike (in Scotland) and they do get rides. A real cheap B&B will run you around 25 pounds a night, a hostel probably around 12-15 pounds, and a campsite tent pitch about 8-10 pounds. It would be much more around the bigger cities, I think.   With the exchange rate as it is now - double those figures and you have the US dollar price. It's unfortunate that the currency exchange situation is so unfavorable now.

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