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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu BS: A question for Mormons (154* d) RE: BS: A question for Mormons 08 Jan 05

I want to say to all of the people who seriously responded to my question, thank you for your input, it has been most helpful. Pogo, I appreciate you being candid. As for those people who viewed this as an opprotunity to make fun of Mormons, all you did was prove that you are not that intelligent. I do not agree with the LDS church as well as several other religions, this does not however, mean that I should talk bad about them. The beauty of living in America as that we have the right not chose what religion we would like to belong to, if one at all. I realize that you also have the right to make fun of those people, but in this case it was unsolicited and therefore, I digress, makes you look like a fool. You might think about that before you go posting your opinions on a serious website. Take care all, and I will continue to keep tabs on this thread as I value all input. God Bless. Susu

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