Hello & many thanks for coming to make such a nice throng, esp those of you who drove a long journey. Good to meet some people whom we only knew electronically.There was some awesome performing from you guys! I felt I should have paid to get in! The next one is on the Wednesday in 2 weeks & I would be most honoured if you would all air your talents again. See some of you at the Great Eastern maybe. Breezy I have taken pliers to my fingerpicks. It does help get the striking angle better.I noticed they sell plastic ones like my metal ones but they don't look crimpable! Still I seem to be at a transitional stage when I can't play with 'em or without 'em, sigh.You played a great spot, what was the song? I'd never heard it before. Alan, Alaska picks are ordered. Many thanks for the info and hurray for your mending Humerus. M.F.B. those tunes are Factory Girl, Strayaway Child, Garrett Barry's Jig and Chapel Bell. Your accordian sounded pretty good to me. I think of it as one of the hardest instruments I ever tried in vain to learn.Let me know a couple of tunes you know that I might have some hope of learning!