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Michael K. Best Guitar Strings? (41) RE: BS: Best Guitar Strings? 18 Nov 99

Over the years, I've played just about every type and manufacturer of steel strings for acoustic guitar. For the past 2 years, I play a very obscure and hard to find brand called ''Masterclass'' a handmade string manufactured by a small company in England called NEWTONE.

I was introduced to them through the guitar shop I deal with here in Toronto called The Twelfth Fret. They are also the only distributor of them in North America that I know of.

They cost about the same as higher end D'adarrios or Pearces, etc......but even when the ringy-ness goes out of them, they still sound really good...and I've recorded with ''dead'' strings on my guitar, and the recordings still sound great. I use a custom set of medium lights with the bass strings being medium gauge and the higher strings being light. I haven't found anything better to put on my guitars.

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