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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu BS: Pres. Bush's next four years (107* d) BS: Pres. Bush's next four years 23 Jan 05

(actually this is from SUSU's hubby)

What do you think will come from the next four years of the Bush/Cheney administration? One of the things that I'm really interested in is the overhauling of the social security code. I'm actually excited to be able to actually tell the gov't how I want them to invest my SS taxes. Another good benefit to it all is that when I die then all the money that is in my vested account will go to my named beneficiary instead of them only receiving a death benefit of $250.00. To be able to invest in programs that can pay at least double the earnings of what social security is currently paying is very exciting.
The next thing that I would like to see is the complete overhauling of the tax code. Let's put into place a national sales tax so that everybody will pay for what they buy instead of people paying a portion of what they earn. We could exclude everyday items such as food and other qualifing necessities. Let US have all of OUR paycheck and let US decide how we want to use OUR OWN money.
The next thing is to continue the war on terror. We have had a good start. Have we lost service men? Sure we have. But it has been for the greater good. We have liberated 50 million muslims in two different countries and at the cost of 1500-2000 American military lives. People ask why is this necessary? How does this help America? It helps by introducing stability into a part of the world that has known very little. People are saying there is still too much terror in the areas where we are currently continuing to fight. Even after the end of WW II, there were still pockets of resistance being fought in Japan and Europe. It lasted up to several years after the war was officially over. We probably lost as many servicemen in the few years after WW II, due to pockets of resistance, that we did in the first year of WW II. Don't forget your history....if you do then you are doomed to repeat it. Is it a war for oil? Some people claim that it's the ONLY reason. Don't forget September 11, 2001. We lost 3000+ people from four hijacked airplanes on our own soil. They brought it to us. All we did in '91 is help a small nation when they were invaded by a great army (Iraq) from the north. We could have very easily gone on into Baghdad and taken over at that point but was that the objective? The objective was to run the invaders out of a sovereign country. Yes oil has somthing to do with the reasons to go to war. I'm not ashamed to say it. You know why? Because I don't want to pay $6.00 per gallon of gas to drive my vehicle to work. Besides that, petroleum is what drives the world's economy. So if going to war to help liberate people from the grips of tyranny and to continue to secure the way of life that we have become comfortable with and to give other people around the world to have those same liberties isn't the right way to do it, then somebody please explain to me the right way.
   Am I happy with everything that Bush is doing or is trying to do? No, I can honestly say that I'm not. But we can't have somebody in office that we can agree with 100% of the time. We can't even live with somebody and agree with them 100% of the time.(Just ask SUSU!)
Let me hear what you think!

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