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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu BS: A question for Mormons (154* d) RE: BS: A question for Mormons 23 Jan 05

(from Susu's hubby again)

I never said that the LDS church isn't doing good things. Their benovolence toward fellow man is more than a lot of other faiths tend to do. Their focus on the family is incredible and causing a lot more families to probably stay together than to break apart. These are all wonderful things. Don't misunderstand me. I just think that their doctrine is akin to standing beside a wide open door but refusing to come in because they continue to knock on the window in hopes that somebody will unhitch the latch. It's really sad but I don't see the LDS leadership as sitting in a dark room making up policy and rewriting doctrine in order to keep their machine going. I see them as good men who have been mislead by Satan. They rely too much in "feeling" that they're right and not enough time researching their own scriptures and seeing the discrepancies and questioning those discrepancies to test their validity. Most LDS members don't know what's in their teachings. Brigham Young taught that Adam was God. Does anybody know that? It's in the Journal of Discourses. Check it out. See what the Mormon Bishops or the missionaries have to say about that. This is from one of the former prophets of the Church. Why is it not taught this way? Is it ok only to believe and live by the prophecies that you agree with and not all of them? You will hear LDS parishoners constantly talk about their feelings and just knowing that the way they believe is right. But I think ALL will agree with me in saying "It's not only important to know what you believe, but also, why you believe it."

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