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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
susu BS: Pres. Bush's next four years (107* d) RE: BS: Pres. Bush's next four years 23 Jan 05


Those are very interesting questions that you asked. Did you get those from the Air America website?

I'm not going to get into answering needless questions and get off of the point. The point that I'm trying to make is that these are my observations and this is what I think needs to be done. You can either agree or disagree with me. But one thing I do know.....if we continue down the same road and just put band aids on things that need to be fixed, we are never going to get ahead. All I hear on the left is how the social security program doesn't need to be "fixed". We just need to raise taxes. That sure is a change from four years ago whenever Gore constantly talked about fixing SS and putting the funds in a "lock box". You have to remember that debate. He said "lock box" in just about every answer to every question. It's funny how the problems are there when your guy is in office but when he's not....the problems seem to disappear. Let's have some intellectual honesty then we will be able to discuss the problems and find actual working solutions. We can all certainly agree that the current tax code is confusing and very time consuming. If you enjoy sitting down and wasting 6-8 hours of your life and doing your taxes, then you are a unique individual indeed. I think that the average American would rather be doing something else with their time.
With the war in Iraq; I am a man of faith. I believe in God and in his son Jesus. It is sad when two countries cannot see eye to eye and have to pick up weapons to settle the conflict. But that is what "man" is all about. Settling conflict that has been around since the beginning of time. The only difference now is that we are looking for them and taking care of the problem before they can get to us. This is something that is very appealing to me. Even God warned the Israelites of when they were going to be attacked. Do you think that in all of the wars that Israel has been involved in that no innocent people were killed. It happens. Does this lessen the value of that live. By all means NO! Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that instead of going to war to protect the way of life that you've become accustomed to, it's ok to overlook some of the things that are going on in the world in hopes that politicians can work out the differences? Do you really put that much faith in politicians? Or do you believe that if we just ignore the problem then it will just go away? You have to address the problems. We've been addressing the problems for hundreds of years. The UN tried to address the problems in Iraq from '91 to 2003. The years of talking and trying to search where Saddam would allow them access did absolutely nothing. The talking has evidently done nothing so now we address it in other ways. Let's solve the problems and take away the argument. Only then will the needless killing stop.

(Susu's Hubby)

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