This is for several people who have posted re: this thread, Annamill, you are comparing apples and oranges re: blacks and women. If you read the bible it basically states that men are to be the spiritual leader of the household, hence the passage about women submit to your husbands. This does not mean whenever they want sex you have to give in, it means that in the end they have the say on important matters. Does this mean they are always right or that women cannot have a valid opinion? By no means, just that you do not let things get to the point where you are arguing over who is right or wrong. State your case and then let it go. Now if it is a salvation issue, i.e. he and you are differing on your theological beliefs then you are not to compromise, as your salvation is on you. Pogo, you stated "So far as the actual process of choosing the next Prophet goes I am a little vague on that but I'll see what I can find on it." Let me enlighten you, the one who has the most seniority in the quorum of the twelve would become the next president in the LDS church should something happen to the current president, which would be Thomas S. Monson, if anything happens to him prior to that, then it would be Boyd K. Packer. That brings up another interesting question, which is, what does seniority have to do with it? If all other offices of the church are done by callings and prayer is involved then why not the most important office of the church? Just a thought! Martin, No Marie Osmond has not appeared anywhere naked, (heck you would have heard about it and seen it by now don'tcha think?) Yes the Osmonds have had their share of troubles just like the rest of the people in this world no matter what religion they are, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this discussion. Susu