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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill If You Were There...The Sixties (73* d) RE: If You Were There...The Sixties 25 Jan 05

I'm sorry Lynne. What was it you didn't understand? My last post. I can be quite cryptic at times without realizing it, I guess.

I meant I was too young to understand what was going on around me. I was just too busy enjoying life. Traveling, learning to play chess, a lot of other things. I was really sheltered when I was young and broke out and went crazy at 18.

The really bad player with the big Martin and stupid harmonica and sounded terrible was Bob Dylan.

I don't know what else to say.

For 2 years I lived with the owner of The Night Owl, Joey Marra, mentioned in a Mammas & Papas song. He had Fred Neil, John Sebastian, Mammas & Papas, and tons of others in his restaurant(coffee house).

I worked in the Bitter End and was chased aroung the tables by Woody Allen. I thought he was obnoxious. I guess he liked young girls even then.

There is so much more. Gee, I could write a book.

I was a freelance waitress, so, I worked, where and when I wanted to.

Stories keep coming back.. I had a really good friend named Tork who was very serious and a wonderful guitarist. He used to play for me while I was cleaning tables in the coffee houses. I saw him years later on a show called "The Monkeys". I couldn't believe it and told my first husband "Hey, that's my friend Tork". Sure enough, Peter Tork. Only, he wasn't so serious on TV. They made him look like a dope and believe me he wasn't.

Oh well, good night. Maybe sometime I'll tell you about some of the bad things that happened around me. Like friends dying from bad drugs.

Love, Annamill

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