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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,16 Pints Celtic connections (47) RE: Celtic connections 25 Jan 05

My only criticism of Celtic Connections concerns the price of beer and food at the Late Club in the Holiday Inn. £2.75 for a can of beer and £3 for an egg roll is a bit on the high side.

That apart the rest of CC is fantastic.

Just look at the Late Club line-up on Monday night - Brian Kennedy, Eliza Carthy, Mozaik featuring Donal Lunny and Andy Irvine, Andy Thorburn and guests, all for just a quid if you're a Celtic 'Friends' member.

As for the comments above about promoting Scottish music, the 'Showcase Scotland' weekend surely did that.

It was also nice to see some of our English friends join us in Glasgow along with many foreign representatives and a huge presence from Cape Breton.

I hope to get to Celtic Colours in Cape Breton later this year as well as the Cambridge Folk Festival and the new Eastleigh Festival in England which many top Scottish acts seem to be booked for.

Only five more days of CC to enjoy first and there's something worth seeing every night. Absolutely Brilliant and a credit to all concerned.

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