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John C. What is wrong with being a purist? (175* d) RE: What is wrong with being a purist? 29 Jan 05

To John P.,

I agree with a lot of what you say - and I would never dream of telling you that you were 'doing it wrong' - that's just plain rude, as well as patronising. Nevertheless, if you asked for my opinion then I would strive to be as honest as possible. I also have to say, though, that if a person has the gift of being able to make music and the guts to perform in public then they start off with my heartfelt admiration and respect - even if I don't particularly like what they're doing.
I suppose that I started this thread because I believe that there are people on the British Folk Scene who don't particularly like or understand trad. song and either want to dilute it or replace it with something which is more akin to modern popular music. These people seem to like throwing around insult when they're favoured 'project' does not seem to be making enough progress.
By the way, you mention Bulgarian music in your piece. I wonder if you've ever been to Bulgaria - thoroughly recommended - beautiful, unspoilt country, great people and, of course, unbelievably wonderful music (not sure how 'pure' it is, of course - but who gives a s..t - sorry, British irony!).

Best Wishes,
John C.

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