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susu BS: A question for Mormons (154* d) RE: BS: A question for Mormons 03 Feb 05

Well, I know that the LDS church taught the Cain issue. My parents have been members since 1967 or 1968 I can't really remember exactly when, but I know that it was a teaching from the higher authorities. Even before the ban was lifted, it was a discussion in our stake that soon there would be a change. There was alot of political pressure due to the fact that segregation was a hot topic due to George Wallace's stance, and affirmative action was in place. Sadly, the fact that affimative action was first discussed by President Johnson in 1965, even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act had already been signed into law. Yet this did nothing for equality. The fact that it was not until the 70's that it became apparent that segregation was truly wrong. Even today, there are those narrow-minded people who think that the 1954 Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, should not have been imposed. Now that being said, the LDS church probably would still be banning blacks if segregation was still in practice. I feel really sorry for those people who have bought into what the church tells them that this former practice was acceptable because in someway it was ordained by God. Get a clue people, they basically justified (and members let them), racism. This is FACT! And again, I go back to your "Articles of Faith" that man shall be punished for his own sins and not for Adams transgressions. We are all accountable only for what sins we commit, not for what our ancestors do, and if you in any way believe that this is not a true statement, then you really need to re-evaluate the teachings of your church. Now onto the belief that I have about the Godhead. It is like this, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It would be the same as Macbeth, Can McBeth meet Shakespear? If Shakespear wrote himself into a play then yes he could. Well God is the author, and He wrote himself into our world to atone for our sins. Or like an egg. you have the shell, the white, and the yolk, they all create the egg, they are one. There you have it. Again, if you just take what the church tells you on "blind faith" then you are risking your salvation, and I pray that you will question EVEERYTHING! It is your job, as it is your soul. Much Christian Love, Susanne

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