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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: Do YOU know what your credit score is? (67* d) RE: BS: Do YOU know what your credit score is? 10 Feb 05

Do YOU know what your credit score is?

Unfortunately, YES!

I see it as my own fault though. I used to make a great deal of money. An accountant once old me I was in the top 2 percent. I enjoyed every penny. Great cars, wonderful world trips, starting businesses (which failed), having gatherings ;-), having parties, giving money to friends who needed it, paying for my son's education... oh, I had a good time!

Once I lived the life of a millionaire..
spending my money, now I didn't care..

Now I make very little money and Honey and I are broke, our
score is low and we are trying to rebuild because we would like to
own a house someday. This is hard to say at my age. It's like just starting out.

Funny though, we're happy. Strange. I always was a "quality of life" person without knowing what the hell "quality of life" was.

We're working hard to bring up our incomes and credit, but we take walks on the beach, go whalewatching with a coupon for $12 bucks apiece, just enjoying San Diego weather and mostly, each other, now that I have time to spend time with him.

I wouldn't go back to the 2 percent if I could and that's no lie.

There're things we would like to do and we hope to do them in the future but it doesn't depress us.

In line with the conversation going on here, good credit and money helps to make life a little easier, but to coin a phrase (whatever that means) "Money isn't everything".

Annamill's new motto, "Live gently and Love".

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