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Harold Songs about getting really old? - 1 (161* d) RE: Songs about getting really old? 06 Oct 97

Well, as far as I remember:

For nearly 60 years,I´ve been a cockey

I married a fine girl, when I was twenty
My wife died when giving birth, when she was thirty
No flying doctor then, just a gentle old black gent
But It´s nearly over now, and now I´m easy

She left me with two sons and with a daughter
And a bone dry farm, which soil cries out for water

me daughter married young and went her own way
me sons lie buried near the Burma Railway
But it´s nearly over now, and now I´m easy

Oh, what have I done? I´m ready to submit only fragments of a song. I thought, I would have more of that song in my mind. To my excuse: It´s some time ago, that I´ve heard it. But the fact that I remembered at least a little bit showes, that the song is worth it. Bye the way: The Dubliners sang it on their 25th years celebration album. There´s also a songbook containing the songs of that record.
Sorry for my insufficient memory, Harald ^^^

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