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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: Spring in California? (13) BS: Spring in California? 22 Feb 05

I'm new here. I've only been here since August. Do we have a spring?? The reason I ask is because in New Jersey, around April or May we would start getting light warm rains, the trees will start budding and generally give an all around feeling of the hopefulness of spring.

Well! Here we are at the end of February and everyone here says we're having storms!! Storms!! It's a wonderful, warm light rain. At least in this part of California. (San Diego) I look outside my window and see big fat buds on my trees ready to pop! The birds are going crazy, playing, chirping in their various voices! I'm loving it because for 59 years of my life this meant summer will be here soon and I feel good!

It this or is this not, spring?? In February!!

Love, Annamill (taking a lot of deep breathes lately)

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