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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: Antipasto is here NOW! The awful truth! (38) RE: BS: Antipasto is here NOW! The awful truth! 23 Feb 05

An italian grinder is a sub sandwich unique to New England.

Just naming the ingedients won't do it justice, but I'll try.

You take a freshly baked sub roll about 10 inches long and slice it
down the center. Then you place round slices Mozzarella cheese in the first layer along the roll.

Next, you would put hard Italian salami layered over the Mozzarella.
Then layer over that, cappacolla (hot ham).
Then some regular sliced ham.

Optional: small slices of chili peppers.

Next a layer of provolone cheese...

My mouth is watering already..

Now put some tomatoes over that along with shredded lettuce.

Put on some olive oil and red vineger - Just a little don't soak it.

Now you take the whole thing, and (I think this is what gives it the greatness) slide it into a brick oven til the bread is just toasted, don't burn it.

Take it out, fold it closed and sink your teeth into the most deelicious sandwich you've ever tasted.

There. Now I'm hungry again.

I hope I haven't ruined your day.

Love, Annamill

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